International Telephone Input for Magento 2

International Telephone Input for Magento 2
This extension integrates popular International Telephone Input JavaScript plugin with Magento 2.
The module simplifies entering and validating international phone numbers. It shows a flag dropdown in an input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder, and provides validation methods.

NOTE: for Enterprise/Cloud edition please select two checkboxes

  • Open-Source
  • By Certified Developer
  • Free Email Support
Compatible with: Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce/Cloud 2.2-2.4



This module integrates the International Telephone Input JavaScript plugin with Magento 2.
It shows country flags for telephone inputs and provides other useful features such as validation, country detection, etc. The easiest way to add phone validation in Magento

Please note, that this module works with the full international phone number format only (national mode option is not applicable).


  • Adds country flag dropdown to telephone input fields
  • Full validation, including specific error types
  • Automatically select the user's current country using an IP lookup
  • Automatically set the input placeholder to an example number for the selected country
  • Navigate the country dropdown by typing a country's name, or using up/down keys
  • Retina flag icons
  • It's possible to apply the widget to custom inputs

Applicable areas

This extension covers all standard Magento areas containing telephone inputs.

Community Edition:

  • Customer Account: Address Book
  • Contact form
  • Checkout: billing and shipping address forms
  • Shipping to Multiple Addresses

Enterprise Edition:

  • Gift Registry form
  • B2B (Enterprise Edition version):
    • Company Registration form
    • Company Profile
    • Company Structure
    • Company Users
    • Negotiable quote - add new address form (My Quotes section)
  • Customer and Customer Address attributes
    • Customer Registration form
    • Customer Account Edit form
    • Customer Address Registration
    • Customer Account Address


1. Copy contents of the src directory to the root directory of your Magento installation.
2. Run these commands to enable the module:

    php bin/magento module:enable Magery_IntlTelInput
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Enterprise Edition module installation

There is an additional module available for Enterprise/Cloud editions: Magery_IntlTelInputEe
It can be installed using this commands:

    php bin/magento module:enable Magery_IntlTelInputEe
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade


Module configuration can be found in admin:
Stores → Configuration → Customers → International Telephone Input

Configuration options:

Enabled Enables module
Allow Dropdown Display the country dial code next to the selected flag so it's not part of the typed number.
Custom CSS Container Additional classes to add to the parent div.
Separate Dial Code Display the country dial code next to the selected flag so it's not part of the typed number.
Use Utils Script Enables formatting and shows telephone number placeholder (example format for the selected country).
Enable Validation Enables validation provided by Google's libphonenumber library.
  Country Settings
Allowed Countries List of the countries included in the dropdown.
Initial Country Mode Allows selecting the initial country.
Available options:
- None - the first available country will be selected
- Auto - detects the customer's country using IP geolocation lookup
- Configured - allows specifying one country that will be selected by default
Initial Country Configured Default selected country (if "Initial Country Mode" option is set to "Configured")
Preferred Countries Specify the countries to appear at the top of the list.
Custom Input IDs This option gives the ability to initialize the plugin for custom fields. Comma-separated list of custom text input IDs. Applies to the following pages:
- Customer Registration
- Customer Account Edit
- Customer Address Registration
- Customer Account Address

JavaScript plugin information


Customer Reviews 1 item(s)

Great one
It has great coverage! We use this module for our B2B website, and it works perfectly!
Review by Joshua / (Posted on 4/26/2020)
Change Log
Version: 1.2.0

  • Magento 2.4.5 Compatibility
  • intl-tel-input JS plugin updated to v17.0.18

Version: 1.1.1

  • Magento 2.4.2 Compatibility
  • intl-tel-input JS plugin updated to v17.0.12

Version: 1.0.5

Initial stable release (EE module version: 1.0.0)